
I really don't have any firm fiscal views. I completely devoid of political ambitions


I am an Other sider political post positionist

I am Post Left and Homeless Left   

I am a Marxist (including Marxist revolutionary Egoist Anarchist), Dark Mutualist , Distributist Libertarian (with with Seussian Characteristics) and an ideological mess

I am an Anarchist in large part because I am a kantian.

I am influenced by Trotskyist ideas

I am a fan of the Dirtbag Left and I like that they are anti fascist 


I am Anti Conservative 

I am Anti Liberal/Anti Lib

I am Anti Radical Progressive

I am Anti Leftist

I am Anti Centrist 

I am Anti Inequality 

I am Anti Socialism for the Rich, Capitalism for the Poor

I am against downplaying the counter revolutionary nature of Stalinism . Since I reject such counter revolutionary Communism, I reject Social Democrats too since they are too inclined to compromise with the old order


My combined economic views can be best described either as a mix of USSR like planned economy (ie like the one under Marxism-Leninism/Josef Stalin)


the type of retroactive hypothetical Capitalism that would have existed in the US in the early to early mid 20th century IF that early to early mid 20th century retroactive hypothetical US Capitalism was a mix of this type of economic system and Inclusive-Humanistic Capitalism/the democracy that the United States has managed since FDR (and that was noticeably growing stronger in the early 2000s and is still growing stronger today)

or to put it another way:

Like fellow BreadTubers I align with collectivist modes of governance, which includes sociofinance equity and solidarity, while I oppose liberalism, the alt-right, and the fringe right . Despite me endorsing collectivism, I infight with myself about it commonly

I would like to evolve the above modes of governance to a Dark Mutualist mode of governance 

Dark Mutualism tries to draw parallels between Kevin Carson's analysis of the "new class" and Menicus Moldbug's "Cathedral". (see here for more)

Dark Mutualism holds that anarchism ran into an impasse because of its embrace of communism and liberal progressivism  and the way out of this lies in reading PJ Proudhon through Menicus Moldbug.  So in doing so I critique Anarchism as I do here . This (along with my support for Dark Mutualism) thus leads to me supporting certain types of poststructuralist post anarchism as I mention here 

My orthodox Marxism is directly inherited from landian accelerationism. This transition from PJ Proudhon and Kevin Carson to classic Marxism certainly has yet to be appropriately articulated by me. 

See here for more on that. I would be perfectly content if instead of doing Dark Mutualism, we instead did something alternative to that, like the work Daniel Colson is doing. In fact if we can't implement Dark Mutualism, then we can implement the Daniel Colson's that is doing instead of Dark Mutualism since it is more pragmatic and realistic

Even though I am left wing economically I still think ideally before we usher in our socioeconomic Left wing society we would need to first establish an industrialist capital esque republic and get rid of the anti industrial, anti techno monteraist dictators of the US and their Rockefeller- D Koch oligarchy overlords :  "A full maturation of capitalism is the precondition for a socialist realization" Karl Marx . "Capitalism, as a result of its own inner contradictions, moves toward a point when it will be unbalanced, when it will simply become impossible”  Rosa Luxemburg 

I want our society to become:

Dark Mutualist  + Distributist Libertarian (with with Seussian Characteristics)/Social Credit / Social Market economy society 

This society would include economic policies like a program modeled on the economic-recovery program of the FDR administration, which would include fixed exchange rates, exchange, currency and capital controls and protectionist price along with trade agreements among partner-nations . This would also include restructuring of debt planet-wide, and a global plan for big-scale, continental infrastructure projects.. This would reject free trade, deregulation, and globalization.


Dark Mutualist  + W.I.P/ Homeless Left / 'Libertarian Communist' society

Here are some options to find a socioeconomic system that approximates my above socioeconomic principles

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