
I support a socialist re-industrialization that is mixed with confiscatory taxes on investment that is both wasteful and parasitic 

I venerate the Left Wing freed market entrepreneur fused with worker co-ops (like this) and the Marxist alternatives to small businesses and I want to keep them from dying out at the hands of corporations. I am pro labor

I support the restoration of the Glass-Steagall Act, to separate commercial banking from speculative investment banking, protecting the former and not bailing out the latter. This would be one way to break up the banks and to keep the government out of the banking system. This would mesh nicely with Social Credit, Distributist Libertarianism (with Seussian Characteristics), Dark Mutualism  etc

I would not mind a return to the Bretton Woods-style fixed rates, with gold, or an equivalent, but only if under Bretton Woods it would be as good for the western working class as it was originally under Bretton Woods (also see here).  Otherwise I reject Bretton Woods even though politicians, commentators, etc who I support support Bretton Woods

Bretton Woods is bad because it was the start of the globalist American imperialist financial system and bringing it back would further that

Like PJ Proudhon I would be ok with the state intervening in establishing national banks in the situations he called for it,  (I am part Dark Mutualist, Distributist Libertarian (with Seussian Characteristics),  and I support Social Credit and at least in my other blogs nationalizing industries). But the state would have to leave banking, insurance etc after establishing those banks  . Maybe fused with The American school and a touch of regulation (like PJ Proudhon would support)

We have to uplift and equalize the lower sexual classes through economic egalitarianism now and by abolishing the Heteronormative and Cisgender patriarchy afterward  

Political organizing has to overcome the sad fact that each socioeconomic society has characteristic bugaboos that caused barriers to effective political organizing

I do not criticize the allegedly "democratic" but I do truly criticize the "liberal-lib totalitarian" system of the Western world

I do not support organizations influenced by Herbert Mancuse or who subscribe to Fordism

I do not support the Institute for Policy Studies 

Due to heavy pressure to surpass the USSR in exploring space, the final frontier, more than a half century ago, former President JFK proposed the extremely ambitious goal of putting a man/woman on the Moon by the end of the 1960s.  In making such an impactful decision, JFK lifted up the spirits of the US. The US is need of that sort of bold outlook in our times, maybe more than ever

I support a 1 percent Wall Street sales tax. This is a moderate tax on transactions that involve stocks, bonds, derivatives etc. 

Wall Street should be asked to pay for their derivative based carelessness which would lead to financial issues in the US over the last few decades including the near collapse of the US and by extension global economy in the 2000s decade. 

I advocate for Wall Street due to that and other ills should be forced to pay for their senseless greed by fully funding tuition free education at all levels including older citizens who want to return to college  to learn new skills. This should include being available to those people who enroll in trade schools or other post h.s institutes of pro training (except grad schools which should always require people to play for since otherwise it would be stupid)

Acknowledging that wages in the US. have stagnated more than a dozen years ago — a scenerio that was even more exacerbated and made obvious due mostly to the 2000s financial crises of Wall Street’s making — a growing number of industry analysts and academia alike have said in modern times that the US workforce has lost its ability to be competitive in the global marketplace.  US competitiveness, they state, is at a crucial point . Unfortunately, they’re likely right. 

I won't despair and my bold and imaginative idea for this essentially insoluble dilemma — specifically, the best-educated and thoroughly taught workforce in US history or even forever by next decade, a greatly-educated populace thanks to the financial oligarchs on Wall Street whose careless financial bubble-driven economy — then and now — have turned this country’s once-productive fiscal engine into a shell of what it once was

The hard facts are that their chance to effectively be competitive in the global economy has been gambled away by the Wall Street parasites and their legislative Goldman Sachs minions and J.P. Morgan-occupied DC. 

For a time swindled out of the US idealized dream by the “too large to fail” structures responsible for our modern economic messes — the US people have lost neither their motivation to succeed or their ruthlessly ambitious drive.

I believe that government funded healthcare with absurdly high taxes is bad because such high taxes is not supportive of the working class

I believe that higher marginal tax rates have a use somewhere as such taxes are a way to shift our economy leftward.

Data has shown that the causes of racial inequality are individual decisions like marital status, education, out of wedlock births and crime . 

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