Exh paths

Here are some experimental economy fusions that fuse together different economic ideologies:

Option 1) Social Credit /Distributist Libertarian (with Seussian Characteristics) society into an exaggerated version of a Mladorossim society

Option 2) Revolutionary Libertarian voluntary society with other voluntary societies breaking off to form their own voluntary societies like a Social Market economical voluntary society, National Communism voluntary society and a Abenomics voluntary society and a Dirigisme voluntary society

Option 1) Social Credit /Distributist Libertarian (with Seussian Characteristics) into an exaggerated version of a Mladorossim society

We would first need to switch to a Social Credit/Distributist Libertarianism system. 

In political talk across the political landscape there are generally so many would be distributists across to be found . This rhetoric meshes solidly with Anarchism, Libertarianism, and conservatives who idealize the yeoman farmer

With Distributist Libertarianism there would be an economic system based on widely-spread property ownership and a society that is culturally based on Catholic social teachings. 

This Distributist Libertarianism economy would not be operated under the belief that laissez-faire Austrian school economics (but it would use this type of Austrian economics) would result in an unfair concentration of power, but rather that the vast majority of concentration of power in a capitalist economic systems occurs due to state intervention in the economy (for example; Intellectual "Property", Subsidies, Inconsistent Taxation, etc)

In this Distributist Libertarianism economy the state would only have most of its power in most matters over the Federal Government. There would be less taxation which would deplete the power of the Federal Government. In turn the government would be forced to give up certain arms that are no longer needed (like the ATF)

Distributist Libertarianism, entails that State's should have In order to achieve that, in the essay "Unlocking Existentialism in An Economy: Southern Distributism in a Nutshell" an idea was proposed that less taxation would starve the power of the. This would require the.

Moreover, , in this Distributist Libertarianism economy , vertical integration would be banned to allow more competition within the market, and to later (as we get closer to our next economic stage) have guilds within local economies to protect small businesses and workers 

This Distributist Libertarianism economy would contain many dynamic thoughts from a Laissez-Faire  approach, to a more "Bull-Moose yet Hamiltonian" Southern Distributism approach. The Distributist Libertarianism economy would structure our society in a way that maximizes human freedom and ensures a wide distribution of wealth.

This society would have Seussian Characteristics

Social Credit:. Under this economical system there would be a social control of credit, a national dividend, and similar policies that seek to rise consumer's purchasing power and to decentralize economic power. 

SocCred would be anti bank

Under our SoCred system we would come to see the purpose of the economy is to provide goods and services that increase personal well-being, but we would not use every good to serve such a purpose, as goods are the waste. This waste would not be used since it hurts the consumer, because the price of the products are increased due it, hurting his purchasing power.

In this SoCred system, there would be four factors in production. Land, labor, capital, and Cultural Inheritance, with Cultural Inheritance being of the most importance. Cultural Inheritance is the knowledge, process, and techniques that are created and sustained by past civilizations. These ideas would make so that in this system we don't need to reinvent the wheel, thus making production simpler and more valuable

This system would like Longism be based on wealth distribution and increased consumer purchasing power.. There may probably be UBI in this system too.

SocCred would be against right wing populism since right wing populism hijacked SocCred

So in a nutshell under our SocCred system, there would be government intervention in the form of the issuance of debt free money directly given to consumers or producers (if they sold their product below cost to consumers) in order to combat such discrepancy

Then we switch to an exaggerated version of a Mladorossim society (which is a fusion of mythological version of USSR type Socialism/Communism with tweaked Russian Tsarism). 

It would advocate for a Russian Monarchy under a Mythological Soviet-style system.  It would be similar to Anarcho-Monarchism 

There would also be economic liberalization via party democracy similar to what Nikita Kruschev did or tried to do . This would be based off of the already present State Capitalist system (and capitalist class). This would further balance out the extreme left economic system in this society

Option 2) Revolutionary Libertarian voluntary society with other voluntary societies breaking off to form their own voluntary societies like a Social Market economical voluntary society, National Communism voluntary society and a Abenomics voluntary society and a Dirigisme voluntary society

Ancaps are my value views in my non private blog, reddit ancap poster said under ancap society people would have freedom to break off and form their own mini societies with their own economic systems like nat communism, social market society 

I would want that society to evolve into a Revolutionary Libertarian voluntary society with other voluntary autonomous societies or countries within the former US alongside of it like a Dirigisme voluntary society or country, an Abenomics voluntary society r country , a Social Market voluntary society or country, a National Communist voluntary society or country etc to give the former US various voluntary societies or countries

There would be some large (like 6,000,000,000,000) spending sprees by the government  

I’d like this future system to eventually lead to the US becoming Revolutionary Libertarian voluntary society with the privatization of everything which would include cities with all their infrastructures, public spaces, streets and urban management systems (which would ease my concerns of public holiday events, see my Lifestyle blog for more)

In this Revolutionary Libertarian voluntary society there would be self ownership and original appropriation which would combine personal and private property in this system . 

This is because I support freedoms on the basis of the agreement with private property rights. So the abolishment of public amenities as I write below etc would be definitely something I would more than get on board with. People would fully own themselves and have certain ‘moral’ powers to acquire property rights in external types of things

In this Revolutionary Libertarian voluntary society, there would be private ownership of the means of production and the allocation of the product of labor that are created by workers within the context of wage labor and the free market .

Through decisions that property and capital owners would make regardless of the needs of the individual

The state would be abolished but a post state private agencies would have the functions that the state had

This Revolutionary Libertarian voluntary society would be a contractual society that would be based purely on voluntary action, entirely unhampered by violence or threats of violence

This Revolutionary Libertarian voluntary society will make the healthcare model with the most consumer support will be the main healthcare in that society. It would be like democracy, except people would vote with their money.

This Revolutionary Libertarian voluntary society would not employ capitalism since individuals who are impeded by the hurdles of capital are not really free. 

The US as a Revolutionary Libertarian voluntary society would allow other voluntary societies to form and create their own economies or even governments,  autonomous from the Revolutionary Libertarian voluntary society and its markets (as long as those societies don’t violate the No Harm Principle of those who don’t wish to join them)

In the US, besides the Revolutionary Libertarian voluntary society , I would want a Dirigisme voluntary society or country (mixed economy type A) , an Abenomics voluntary society or country , a Social Market voluntary society or country, a National Communist voluntary society or country and other relatively distinct voluntary societies or countries all within the US. They would be private or public and have different rules, economic systems, laws or maybe even governments etc  (got idea from AnCap redditer)

But I would want them to complement and influence each other 

Maybe in this US voluntary society or country , together or apart they would voluntarily form separate national states (like maybe the National Communism voluntary nation state would be a transitional stage to a classless and stateless society of the future) , or for tactical temporary alliances with each other or maybe dependencies in each other or maybe they would all be isolationist toward each other. 

I would want in this US voluntary society, for each of the voluntary societies or countries to complement each other despite them being autonomous and having their own economies (if they aren’t moneyless), markets (if they have markets), laws, governments or no governments, political ideologies etc

I would want the Dirigisme voluntary society or country with their indicative economic planning to voluntarily and privately help the Revolutionary Libertarian voluntary society by either using strong directive influence to supplement market forces in the Revolutionary Libertarian voluntary society market for guiding its market economy or by privately advising the Revolutionary Libertarian voluntary society on how to do so without them using strong directive influence to supplement market forces in the Revolutionary Libertarian voluntary society market  mixed economy type A

I would want the Social Market voluntary society or country to voluntarily and privately help the Revolutionary Libertarian voluntary society by either voluntarily (with permission from the Revolutionary Libertarian voluntary society) merging their Social Market with the Revolutionary Libertarian voluntary society market at times or more then the Social Market would be used for necessities while the Revolutionary Libertarian market would be used for luxuries or without merging their market with the Revolutionary Libertarian voluntary society market but privately advising the Revolutionary Libertarian voluntary society on how to add a socialistic element to their market for necessities  mixed economy type B

I would want the Abenomics voluntary society or country to offer the Revolutionary Libertarian voluntary society use of its Abenomics welfare and healthcare as social safety nets or maybe even to help the Revolutionary Libertarian voluntary society use Abenomics methods within the Revolutionary Libertarian voluntary society . I would also want the National Communism voluntary society or country to offer the Revolutionary Libertarian voluntary society use of its Mutual Aide as a social safety net  

The Dirigisme voluntary society or country would use indicative economic planning (as opposed to regulatory interventionism) through a Commission for the Plan in their voluntary societies . They would use strong directive influence through to supplement market forces for guiding its market economy

The state in this Dirigisme voluntary society or country would play a positive role for state intervention in curbing the alleged productive inefficiencies and market failures through directed investment, subsides and taxes to incentivize market entities to fulfill state economic objectives (like rational, efficient economic development, with the long-term goals of matching better developed and more technologically advanced economies). 

It would involve state control in this Dirigisme voluntary society or country of the transportation, energy and telecommunication industries infrastructures in addition to incentivizing private corporations to merge or engage in particular projects.  

Indicative planning would use various incentives to induce public and private entities to behave in an optimal fashion.  The plan would serve as a general guideline for optimal investment. It would be a Economically Liberal economy that would be directed by profit, income-maximizing enterprise and market based allocation of producer goods.

It would be a middle way between between the American policy of little state involvement in the mid 20th century and the Soviet policy of total state control.

In this Dirigisme voluntary society or country, the state would never own more than a minority of any industry and would not seek to replace private profit with central planning

The idea of this Dirigisme voluntary society or country would be to complement and improve the efficiency of the market through indirect planning which would be to provide better information to market participants.

In this Dirigisme voluntary society or country the state would have greater control in the infrastructure and the transportation system , including owning the railway, the electric utilities , the natural gas utilities, the airlines, telecommunications and the postal services. 

In this Dirigisme voluntary society or country , the government would devolve the construction of most freeways to semi-private companies rather than to administer them itself.  The state would encourage mergers and the formation of "national champions" which are large industry groups backed by the state.

Other areas where the  government in this Dirigisme voluntary society or country directly would intervene would be in  defense, nuclear and the aerospace industries

This Dirigisme voluntary society or country development would be marked by volontarisme, which is the belief that difficulties (like post disaster devastation, lack of natural resources) could and would be overcome through willpower and ingenuity (“we don't have oil, but we have ideas”)

Volontarisme would emphasize modernization, which would result in a variety of ambitious state plans.

The National Communism voluntary society or country would be pro nationalism and have relatively progressive policies as a means of building societal or national solidarity (using socialistic Nationalism to improve or create a path to Communism)

National Communism is inspired by the korenizatsiia policies of bolsjewist Russia in the late 1920s and early 1930s, where local and transnationalisms were permitted to gain popular support for the bolsjewist cause. To quote National Communist Ho Chi Minh “it was patriotism, not communism, that inspired me”

There would be more pure communism and less State Socialism. It would be based upon distinct national characteristics and circumstances instead of following policies set by other socialist nations like the USSR

When the Communist Manifesto says that the workers 'have no country', they mean the bourgeois national state, not to nationality in the ethnical sense. 

In this National Communism voluntary society or country, there would be far less tolerance of perceived "deviant" behaviour (and less culturally progressive) than in a Marxist Leninist society. 

This society or government would be sovereignty (it would not be Communist International) and promote self-determination. It would be Anti Globalist , Anti Global Capitalist,  Anti Social Imperialist ,anti colonialist and generally anti-fascist

This National Communism voluntary society or country would be against Neoliberals since Neoliberals are degenerate, against Conservatives (since Conservatives would be seen in this society as reactionaries).

There would be cultural revolutions along with possibly some potochronism (National Communism or local heritage. would be part of this ideology and society) . One tenant of National Communism is the fighting throughout the years to achieve unity and independence. In this National Communism voluntary society or government there would be Patriotic Guards

This National Communism voluntary society or country would be pro Protectionist in protecting local industry from foreign corruption within the post US and outside the post US. 

This National Communism voluntary society or country might have to ignore Class divisions at times when the national bourgeoisie would turn away from national liberation and ally with their imperial counterparts which would ensure the eventual collapse of any revolutionary struggle and national liberation.

This Nationalism Communism voluntary society or country is a must since National Communism helps oppressed minorities and because National Communism is noted for causing a rise in the standard of living in places like Romanian

Maybe in this Nationalism Communism voluntary society or country, they would use mutualism until they become moneyless.Mutualism would mean worker co-ops, contract and federation , dual power and gradualism, free association, mutual aide and mutual credit etc

Abenomics voluntary society

In the Abenomics voluntary society we would employ Abenomics . Abenomics is related to the rise of China as an economic and political power and it seeks to enrich the places that employ it, and strengthen the army of such places. It isn’t reliant on superpowers to help them

This Abenomics voluntary society would be based on three arrows: monetary easing from government banks (and or federal reserve) or Big Bank, fiscal stimulus through government spending and and structural reforms. It would be characterized by a mix of reflation, government spending and a growth strategy that would be designed to jolt the economy out of suspended animation that has gripped it at times over the decades

In this Abenomics voluntary society it would consist of a monetary and fiscal policy and economic growth strategies in order to encourage private investment. 

Certain policies would include inflation targeting at an annual rate of two percent, correcting the excessive dollar appreciation, negatively setting interest rates, radical quantitative easing, expanding public investment, purchasing operations of federal reserve related construction bonds and revising Fiscal spending plans. There would be a pro TPP element too


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