Anti Successor Ideology

I am glad that political correctness tries to retroactively change the past through revisionism to make it seem our world was always as liberal/lib, inclusive, and equal as it is now.  It makes these tough changes easier to swallow

I am Anti PC in a Dirtbag left sort of way. I love that Dirtbag left brand of anti PCism including their brand of anti PCism being like the Jackass show since I was a fan of Jackass and Viva la Bam in the 2000s decade

Deplatforming hate does not really work since people who get banned for hate don't all of a sudden say "Wow. I was being a jerkoff. I'm going to accept this ban and strive to be a better person." when they get deplatformed. They instead spout "Fack that usshole!" when they get deplatformed.

AND deplatforming them doesn't really solve the problem. They still are out there and are still going to be hateful. They're not going to stop merely because you banned their account. They're actually going to create a new account and continue to attempt to and spread their message and philosophy. So all the normies slapped with the hate label lose their spit and can only speak to other hateful people who deliberately buddy up to them.

Deplatforming hate doesn't stop hate. It instead amplifies hate while punishing the innocent

Deplatforming hate hasn't worked before, it won't now, or ever. It simply can't, Especially when the definition of hate is a net cast wider than the most inefficient deep sea fisherman/woman ever casted a net.

Chipping away at free expression and civil discourse as to keep us safe from a monster that we never were in need of protection from is what deplatforming actually is. Now that it has been given a chance to be hidden away and to become stronger in the darkness, you can't likely protect us from them at this junction, especially due to the fact that some of the people who need protection now were some of those people who got scraped away in the chaos.

If anything has occurred, legit hate groups have evolved into being more emboldened and more better prepared than they ever have. They have more members and also a more unified goal than they ever have and so can recruit from an increasing amount of discontent normies who are growing more and more motivated and activated each passing day

What is so wrong with laughing at memes and gaming?

Edit: To clarify, I do not consider a person who belongs to a hate group or onto any hateful positions anyone that I know or know of personally. I was trying to highlight how a normal (slightly right of center) man who is wrongfully cast into the same camp as truly hateful bigots can be radicalized to their positions. This is the road that deplatforming sends you down, removed from civil discourse people are usually only exposed to radicalization.

Liberals/Libs, Radical Progressives leftists etc generally use Strawman/Gaslighting/Bad Faith/Dog Whistle/Right-Winger/Russian Troll when talking to people who disagree with them, especially to other Liberals/Libs, Radical Progressives and leftists. It is wrong that they do this and it is why there is such infighting and divisiveness . This shirt here illustrates this point 

I think it is futile , hollow and a waste to establish safe spaces and to rename campus buildings at colleges.  Simply establishing safe spaces and renaming campus buildings does nothing to overthrow capitalism . We have to overthrow Capitalism and the sooner the better

I do not find the word Tranny offensive or wrong at all. Transgender people should reclaim that word and use it with pride

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