Aimee Terese World

I critique self proclaimed socialists due to their unchecked liberal/lib tendencies .

I support Marxist Materialism taken to its logical conclusion even knowing that it can be alienating to the liberal/lib, radical progressive and modern left cultural sphere. 

I need to remove pretentiousness in my above critiques. 

I diverge from online leftists in my views of idpol. I acknowledge the existence of racism, sexism and bigotry of all types and there is a place for combating those ideologies through politics. 

counter Sometimes a class first approach doesn't always serve the interests of the historically marginalized groups counter

I understand though that those types of discrimination stem from the material relations that are within inequality (like the formation of black and white races being drawn up in the 19th century to rationalize slavery). I see societal relations as being rooted historically in material relations and I believe the most ideal way to address racial and sexual inequalities is by using a universalist, economic movement.  Idpol is not a necessary component of a socialist or left wing economic outlook but instead is a liberal/lib, radical progressive and mismatched component that may be exercised by the ruling class so that the ruling class can undermine worker solidarity  

I have seen examples of online leftists who publicly identify as socialists retrospectively label the civil rights movement as an example of identity politics done well in spite of identity politics only being explicitly theorized (I believe) in the 1970s.

I see people like Aimee Terese who I am annoyed by as highly educational and illustrative of what a rigid Marxist approach can be like (since I am a newer leftist). It is a nice balance to Red Scare podcast's most laid back approach to redpilling their listeners via aesthetic appeal and overal skepticism.  

Wokesters cry "cultural appropriation” — except when a white woman wears a hijab. ... to Eastern religions that also obvious cultural appropriation. 

Here are some Aimee Terese Tweets and articles I echo, unless noted otherwise:

(Late Stage Democratic Socialism): 
 that dick rose thing is very good however  I assumed that after being banned from Twitter, Aimee Terese, alienated from her main source of sustenance, just faded into thin air and out of sight.

You not be faulted for thinking that by all the nonsense she spouts about chapo trap house that she hasnt heard a single episode

"It's very difficult because I find leftcom analysis the most similar to my own, but I get the fuck off the train everytime they excitedly speak of revolution. I think a revolution in the mode of production is required before anything will get significantly better for most people. I think capitalism is in a decadent epoch: totally brutal, totally destructive, ready willing and able to commodify not just physical work, but people's emotional and spiritual core."

Aimee has discovered a new ideology at the ideology store.

"To be honest the only thing I can do is to try to be forthright and honest with my analysis of the class forces producing the political phenomena of the present, to try to help people understand, and to hopefully see a bit more clearly. I think helping people demystify the fog of capitalist ideological conditioning has to hopefully be worth something, in the long run. That's what I tell myself anyway!"

Notice that anything to do with the real working class is absent in this quote.

"Honestly feel rather foolish for giving the Bernie possibility the time and effort that I did."

Aimee didn't even do one thing.

Why should we care about this PMC podcaster Aimee Terese?

"I lost my brother 4 million Australian dollarydoos telling him to bet on Trump"

Other than being correct about Liz Warren what else was Aimee correct about exactly?

Aimee reminds me very solidly of how the British Tories used to write in the Spectator about a decade ago (one of whom was Boris Johnson), before the Spectator began trying to make itself appealing in the internet sphere. 

Half of the articles were journalists discussing/for politicians they had been buddies with at Oxford, and there was this bizarre current of semi-irony sprinkled with a ton of unintelligible in-jokes.

Aimee really is a clever reverse-shill FOR the DNC and Neoliberalism by de-legitimizing any and all of its opposition as bug men shock brigaders. Nice try Aimee.

Yes, I think about that sometimes... the likelihood of her podcast being controlled opp... may just be the liberal/lib or radical progressive in me who knows?!  Like radlibs, hardcore post leftists like Aimee Terese are schills for Capitalism 

This the most venal kind of puff piece i could have conceived of

What's Left was legit good until Ben departed, then it's just descended into the Aimee/Malcolm Twitter spat show. Moreover her twitter bitterness has simply gone off the deep end, she piles on Chapo intensely for "supporting Joe Biden" when they never did so and didn't vote for Joe Biden.

Aimee does truly have overall in the ballpark of the correct take on things, yet she has to have a moderating force like Ben that can direct her stream of consciousness and angst into something really coherent and meaningful.

Aimee was adjacent to that Left wing Marxist anti essentialism, anti capitalism subreddit and then just happened to go 100 percent off the rails into contrarianism and outwardly hating anything leftist, branding herself as a "Post-Leftist" and then going on and on about how anyone who does not agree with her is le evil PMC grifters. She's highly hypocritical about this.

Aimee is a nutter 

I always found people outside the US with an obsession for US politics like Aimee to be odd. 

Though US politics is more interesting than Australian politics and their sheep exports

US politics is an empire and it's government affects people all across the planet, in those developing nations targeted for imperial absorption and those currently absorbed into the "Rules Based International Community". This means a whole lot of non-Americans need to keep an eye on US politics in the way Americans can ignore everywhere else.

Australia is legit just California + Texas, if both of those states had a Central Asia tier authoritarian streak and the US didn't lose it's organised labor movement. Australians literally watch US TV only, they speak using US lingo and culture war talking points since Australians are nothing but American wannabes and American larpers who don't have the intelligent or creativity to have their own culture in their backwater, insignificant country of retards and suckers. Australian politics literally downflows from US politics.

What is the ultimate reason we can disregard Aimee? She's a leftcom. Someone on social media can get blocked by her previous account for showing her that the 'Glorious' PRC exists alongside Bolivia while Left Coms have legit done not one thing but sit idley and tangentially help make the Frankfurt school.

She on occasion makes good points, but shes too much filled with the very moral posturing that you observe exploding from the likes of NJR to actually accomplish outstanding things.

This Tweet by Aimee Terese: can be translated as this "the death of George Floyd made a bunch of people I don’t like post things I don’t like on the internet and that made me mad”  (I don't echo this Tweet by Aimee) 

(Aimee's reply I am echoing)

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