
Showing posts from January, 2023


There is a major border crisis as there too many migrants at the border and we need to turn a lot away to fix this mess. Child migrants are wrongly being forced into child labor, there are separation of families currently that rival the types under Donald Trump I do feel that illegal immigrants who trespass into the US illegally without a visa (like who cross the border illegally without anyone looking) or who go to the US on a vacation and overstay their passport , as long as they are in the US for a under a year or two, ESPECIALLY if they haven’t assimilated or even integrated  ,after they are caught, they should first be given a chance to register for asylum or as a refugee using ever so slightly less laxer criteria than we have now for asylum seekers and refugees and if they can’t meet those conditions, then they should be deported under our current system, until we implement my ideas in this section and its links.   If I went into Sweden, Germany, Canada or Australia or England il

Exh sll lrp

  This article debunks the NDSAP were socialist nonsense "“If I stand before you today as a revolutionary, it is as a revolutionary against the revolution”. -A.H Before NSDAP, the term ‘n.a...zi was a diminutive for the given name ‘Ignaz’ and was essentially used in the same way a person would use terms like ‘hillbilly’ or ‘redneck’ in the US today. Either that or we’ve just landed upon some 1984 historical revisionism and the thought cops are now on their way to vaporize us. Isn't the portrayal of one's political adversaries with deliberately disproportioned attributes to make them appear ugly and deformed a typical feature of NDSAP "degeneracy" rhetoric? Yikes this is the biggest strawman ever Does.this poster not know who defeated the NDSAP. It was communists who had been against them every step of the way, and also when Western leaders were praising A.H and US corporations were using Jewish slave labour in their German branches (sound familiar? Just like US


Music Demi Lovato calls herself Daddy's girl and has her titties on full display, ok yeah sure she is 'non binary'. No, no you're not 'daddy's girl' Demi. Either you're a "they" or you're a girl. If you were truly nonbinary, you wouldn't refer to yourself a girl. This makes it seem like you only came out as nonbinary for the clout. Demi looks like a woman so not non binary.  Oh Daddy's girl? She is 30, no she is not .  Demi calling herself 'daddy's girl' is lame and foolish. Its pathetic to see that this is what non-binary representation appears to be.  Inspiring a generation of clueless youths to also have no idea what non-binary means also.   Demi Lovato has turned into the new Tila Tequila


Xenogender is a make believe gender that metaphorically describes a person, who sees themself as an animal or object or interest etc. It is as stupid as it sounds These terms are then collected to further describe themselves. It’s pointless and the line between really metaphorically describing themselves consistently crosses and becomes more of an aesthetic nonsensical thing. This is shown when they put up an OC or anime character and then proceed to give them xenogenders, they constantly match aesthetically and in practice their definition of the metaphor is lost. It’s another way to “cutely” categories things. Xenogender doesn’t link to gender whatsoever.  Xenogender people are so misguided and naive they can't even tell the difference between having an interest in something and gender,  In the same way that people use emojis aesthetics in describing themselves is similar to Xenogender but this time with Xenogenders, people are foolishly and senselessly saying they are genders It


God loves everyone in every country. Faith is a great thing. Imagine no countries it isn't hard to do ... but there still would be fighting over property, we need to abolish property but in a non woke, non left wing woke way

Eco exh232

This 4pt-pseudo Libertarian Communism fusion is based on the thought that as long as Capitalism exists in its current form it should be beholden to various types of rules, regulations, laws, affirmative action, and taxes — at various levels within this system, along with special fees and registrations that meshes with my views in this blog  This 4pt-pseudo Libertarian Communism fusion includes using revolutionary ultra zealousness and my own brand of subsidies and anarchy (as seen below in each paragraph in this socioeconomic section)   For 4pt-pseudo Libertarian Communism fusion, we need the type of rage that was done by Left Wing Democratic Revolution protestors in Chile in the late 2010s to enforce revolution and to solidify the control of the vanguard party (Anarcho Libertarian Artificial Free marketists and Left Libertarian freed marketists to take control of the economy and markets, Democratic work councils-Anarcho Syndicalists [Dictatorship of the Proletariat adjacent] all in a

Exh econfdoifdo

A combination of Left wing laissez faire , Creed Communitarianism , early 20th century 'Capitalism' in this alternate history world , this type of economic system   and Pseudo Libertarian Communism

Exh ariotriort90

From article : UC would classify Mauritanians, Somalis and Sudanese as white  And I was basically just waiting to see if high performing African immigrants such as Nigerians get classified as white at some point in the future if it became more common for them to score over 2100 on the SAT and getting six figure salaries .  This seems like Schrodingers caucasian Any group that can get into a University of California school based purely on test scores and GPA is white to these woke radlibs   Their reasoning? these Africans do not descend from enslaved Africans who were forced to go to the US, and thus do not have the same intergenerational trauma that the other African-Americans have (which is similar to what Afro Pessimism implies). We have actually have heard of the "Straight black men are the white men of black people" so... There actually is no logical end to this type of thinking except a diverse, rainbow coalition of races and peoples joining hand in hand in solidarity an

WP Departmsism

 Through Departutism I view the lethal removal of an unwanted fetus as not legally permissible for the mid term (except in cases where the pregnancy jeopardizes the life of the mother, rape and incest) Both departurism and evictionism acknowledge that a fetus is a distinct, living human being and, further, admit his personhood. What makes these theories uniquely libertarian is twofold: They view the abortion issue in the mid term through the lens of property rights, allowing that an unwanted fetus is to a mother what a trespasser is to the owner of the property in question. They conceptually separate abortion in the mid term into (a) the removal of the child from the womb and (b) the resultant death of the child. Abortion, thus, is understood as lethal eviction. Both theories view the act of eviction, in isolation, as more or less broadly justifiable while justification for the full act of abortion is (for differing reasons and to varying degrees) more narrowly conceived. Moreover, eac

Out world r-e-g views

 Race ethnicity geopolitics religion principles If I was born and raised on a specific planet in another solar system, galaxy or universe, on that specific extraterrestrial planet in that other solar system, galaxy or universe, I would say  “(extraterrestrial) intelligent life beings (on that specific other planet in another solar system, galaxy or universe), have a right to personally discriminate--that is make their own decisions, based upon their own rights--is the very essence of liberty.   (Extraterrestrial) Government (on that specific other planet in another solar system, galaxy or universe) denial of that right is the very essence of tyranny.  Individual moral views notwithstanding, freedom to discriminate (for those extraterrestrial intelligent life beings on that specific other planet in another solar system, galaxy or universe) is a right and privilege no matter how flawed and evil it is. The truth is (extraterrestrial) intelligent life beings (on that specific other planet

Crime legal laws views of me

  I echo this article about the 2022 Buffalo NY supermarket shooting While white supremacy is an overgrowing threat and is something that is wrong, this article shows how the white supremacy isn't as prevalent as thought I critique human rights based off of: I Alain Badiou’s Ethics: An Essay on the Understanding of Evil book (see  here )  II  This youtube video's critique of human rights  of human rights  III  Rosi's critique of human rights   IV  Simone Weil's The Need for Roots critique of rights V   Misc human rights critiques    So those above views on human rights collectively influences my views on Queer issues (like marriage equality), Transgender issues , Taboo views ,  Cultural Fiscal issues and other social issues Related sections Abortion issues FianncialStructuresClass / MontetaryCultural   Innernational views Relationships

Misc hmn rights

One argument could be in the sense the fact that in some instances, human rights would have to be violated to increase utility ("trolley problem").  Where do human rights come from? What is a human right if it is not something someone somewhere has agreed upon is a human right? Why should the unique respect of another person claims is a human right? Human Rights can be seen as a spook.(or at best a good spook) Though this is not to say that we should not go around trampling on other peoples human rights.  Though since human rights are for all intents and purposes simply a form of morality they are definitely spooks   The anticedent of the current conception of human rights was the sense of natural rights and natural law, which is a philosophical construction that specific stuff are so foundational they are viewed as inalienable, but obviously they are routinely alienated so that hasn't precisely helped us much. But essentially a human right is only a moral statement that

Simon Weil rights

Simone Weil in her book The Need for Roots she argues against the concept of rights, which she tries to replace with her concept of "obligation" and "justice." She comes to this from being influenced by Marxism, Catholicism, Plato, and anarchism (she moved beyond Marxism, but identified with the others). From here Part 1: The Needs of the Soul Part 1 begins with a discussion of obligations and rights. Weil asserts that obligations are more fundamental than rights, as a right is only meaningful insofar as others fulfil their obligation to respect it. A man alone in the universe, she says, would have obligations but no rights. Rights are therefore "subordinate and relative" to obligations. Weil says that those directing the French Revolution were mistaken in basing their ideas for a new society on the notion of rights rather than obligations,[9] suggesting that a system based on obliga

HR Alain Baiduo

As per Alain Badiou’s Ethics: An Essay on the Understanding of Evil critique of the western liberal conception of ‘human rights’   Alain Badiou argues that human rights only serves to justify and reinforce the ideology of the status quo   Alain Badiou's Ethics says that human rights cannot coherently account for the concept of evil. From  this interview : "My personal position is the following: It is necessary to examine, in a detailed way, the contemporary theory of evil, the ideology of human rights, the concept of democracy. It is necessary to show that nothing there leads in the direction of the real emancipation of humanity. It is necessary to reconstruct rights, in everyday life as in politics, of truth and of the good. We have to seek a ‘new political logic’, Badiou argues that we can only retrieve the political sense of concrete negation (the word negation is what Afro pessimism posits as the way to destroy Anti blackness and to finally emancipate blacks, here it is us

Humane right pespective III

In the Posthumanism of Rosi Braidotti., in a sense she says that "human" has not been a neutral term. But her position here is based on these  things:  1) Being human is a contested field, there has never been a consensus on what being human is,  1A) modernity lead to the creation of universal declaration of human rights, but men got the rights, women, blacks, jews, etc did not get the human rights in her mind. She goes on to say that during the French Revolution Olympe de Gouges wrote a universal declaration of women's rights, and pretty immediately she was sent to the guillotine and killed for this act.  2) Because of above, she claims that notions of human contain relationships that contain power, inclusion, and exclusion. "The point in common to all poststructuralist philosophies is that ethics is not confired to the realm of rights, distributive justice, or the law. It rather bears close links with the notions of political agency, freedom, and the management of

HR in particular Human rights today have the kind of status that the divine right of kings had in the Middle Ages. 0:05 They are so deeply ingrained in our political thinking, 0:09 that imagining a society without them seems almost impossible. 0:14 We all know the famous line from the Declaration of Independence: 0:17 "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, 0:22 that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights," 0:27 But we should beware of what seems self-evident. 0:29 In many cases, what seems self-evident is less an indication of what is correct or indubitable, 0:36 and more an indication of our biases, an effect of the time and place we live in. 0:41 One of the most influential liberal political philosophers of the 20th century, John Rawls, once even stated that: 0:48 "Human rights are not the consequence of a particular philosophy, 0:52 nor of one way among others of looking at the