Exh ariotriort90

From article : UC would classify Mauritanians, Somalis and Sudanese as white 

And I was basically just waiting to see if high performing African immigrants such as Nigerians get classified as white at some point in the future if it became more common for them to score over 2100 on the SAT and getting six figure salaries . 

This seems like Schrodingers caucasian

Any group that can get into a University of California school based purely on test scores and GPA is white to these woke radlibs   Their reasoning? these Africans do not descend from enslaved Africans who were forced to go to the US, and thus do not have the same intergenerational trauma that the other African-Americans have (which is similar to what Afro Pessimism implies).

We have actually have heard of the "Straight black men are the white men of black people" so...

There actually is no logical end to this type of thinking except a diverse, rainbow coalition of races and peoples joining hand in hand in solidarity and crossing cultural barriers..... united in the bigger cause to keep the black man down /s. 

If woke people insist on breaking up the world by race, everyone else ends up getting richer.


So I guess to UC they are white. Is this about denying as many Africans black privilege as they can deny? /irony 

I feel more ok with myself watching Black Hawk Down knowing that it is only white colonizers gunning each other down /s

Then:race is vital and important. Now: race is foolish and we need to move past it Future: Race is a bad social construct, but we’re gonna to keep classifying people with it /irony /s

I can at least vaguely try to understand why classified Sudanese and Mauritanians as white (if I am feeling generous), since they view themselves to be Arabs and not "Black", but Somalis???? Somalis aren't even Arabs.

Though can't even vaguely understand really. They're literally darker than white. Just because they speak Arabic doesn't mean a whole lot of anything. There are blue-eyed, sometimes even blond or red haired people who live in Syria and Lebanon (and Palestine along with Northern Iraq also, while we're at it) who speak Arabic. Can't tell me "Arab" is a race.

Oh and Somalia is part of the Arab league

Obvious caveat that this race hoopla is b.s to begin with.

On Sudanese being seen as white by UC, culture and religion aside I don’t understand the classification change in the slightest.

South Sudan has among the taller demographics of people on Earth, but it's hard to conduct censuses to measure the that there due to the never-ending civil wars. Plus in the Central African Republic there are pygmy tribes so there is a lot of diversity in that relatively small area

Isn't it South Sudanese who are among the darkest ethnicities races? People in Sudan are lighter because of more Arab admixture whereas in South sudan they are a bit more black. 

Some Sudanese definitely don't reject their blackness. Even the most pan Arab thinkers and politicians in Sudan make the distinction between Sudanese and non Sudanese Arabs. On an international level, Sudanese people use the word "Arab" to describe Saudi Arabians, Jordanians, Egyptians, Lebanese, and so on but never themselves

On one Somali internet forum had a surreal and wild user experience. It was just a Muslim /pol/, complete with cringe racism against anyone blacker than them, anime profile avatars and edgy memes. 

Omar Al-Bashir clearly and explicitly stated that Sudanese people are black (in him defending his mass murder of hte South Sudanese and Darfuris), and that all Sudanese people he knows or knows of are black. 

Somali (the language) is Semitic, therefore related to Arabic and Hebrew. So I guess by UC standards they believe that Semites are officially honkies. Somali though is really a cushitic language. Amhara and Tigre, the primary languages of Ethiopia are semitic also.

This is pretty UC chart is pretty epic, whenever some moron on Twitter says "i hate white people" now, i can simply pretend they're talking about Israelis. /s

I guess as a Braziloid, they would be proud to announce that they due to UC's classyfing are now a member of the Latinoax community 

I hear they're now air-dropping country clubs and cases of moolah into Mauritania now that UC considers them white  /s

So now by UC's standards the Africans they now consider white can finally bully the Argentinian citizens that they aren't truly white. /s

If anything, with Argentinians getting their Latinx-ness by way of both the "Latin American" and the "Spanish Origin" links, they're very probably less white than a lot of people UC now considers white

This UC pdf on this is even better: https://www.universityofcalifornia.edu/sites/default/files/Race-Eth%20Data%20Collection.pdf

UC has a race ranking to determine what single race multiracial people are. Obviously black is at the top of that ranking and white is at the bottom of that ranking

To be fair some of the OG racial 'scientists' from like a century ago believed that Somalis were white so maybe that's where UC got this classification from.

Somalis who live in Somaliland speak Arabic however

North Africans are white, yet people from Spain are not white so thus that makes Spain's holdings in North Africa the rare modern example of "reverse colonialism."

Thought why do Americans unironically classify people by their race still? In some countries (like in Germany) that b.s (of classifying people by their race) died together with the NDSAP reign. Americans are very obsessed about race and identity to an unhealthy degree. 

I wanted to ask the wokies in a polite and curious sort of way how come they are obsessed with racial science classifying and segregating people, yet it's impossible to communicate with them without getting banned or them posting a copypasta with the words Strawman/Gaslighting/Bad Faith/Dog Whistle/Right-Winger/Russian Troll on it that doesn't answers anything.

And because there's constantly an option on those forms to not answer about their race or ethnicity, international students could've merely been classified by UC as unknown instead of coming up with this dumbass chart.

Djibouti consists of Somalis and Muslim Ethiopians. Which means if Muslim Ethiopians are white, if Christian they are black. Weren't Egyptian Christians classified as white and Egyptian Muslims as PoC recently? I believe they buy into the retarded narrative that the small population of Arabs replaced the indigenous Egyptians, the biggest population center in the area, with Copts being the remnants.

In light of UC wanting to add Central and East Africans as white : The debate is over, Jews are white now. Does this mean that woke Liberals-libs will say that Ethiopian Jews have white privilege? /s

So let me get this straight...According to woke liberals-libs, a person from Tunisia isn't African, a person from Iran isn't Asian, a person from Portugal isn't Hispanic, a person from Pacific Islands such as Japan, Republic of China (Taiwan) or the Philippines are not Pacific Islanders. Um well and people from the Caucasus (Azerbaijanis, Circassians, Armenians, Georgians) are White though not Caucasian.  Yes, these categories make a butt load of sense. /s

To be fair, "Pacific Islander" is readily thought of to mean "Polynesian or Micronesian". It's not actually supposed to be a racial category as much as a means of describing native people from the US' Pacific territories. It's only messed up in the context of a chart like this.

The U.S. Census definition of White includes Europeans and Middle Easterners for whatever reason. This is nuts but they didn't make this up on their own.

I guess this means wokies will away Ilhan Omars minority card or cancel her for posing as black. To them she is apparently a wh*te woman now.

African-American/Black: African

White: Algerian, Berber, Djiboutian, Egyptian, Libyan, Mauritanian, Moroccan, Somali, Sudanese, Tunisian, other North African

These are so vague that I'm not even sure why they bothered putting "American Indians" in their own category. They're probably closer to Asian than Somalian people are to White

Sure, but Somalis, Mauritanians, Sudanese people, and Djiboutians are dark skinned - they're darker than a lot of other blacks. UC considering them white defies all logic. They're not like other middle eastern people (levantines to name one) that are light-skinned

Why are "African American" and "Black" linked so much? Elon Musk is technically by some definitions an African American, as a South African migrant and a naturalized US resident. (unless Elon is an illegal)

It's safe to conclude that anyone from those countries at UC is white because UC whitelisted the complete Southwest Asian and North African region, which is to say that only whites from those countries are allowed to attend UC. This happened after UC got blowback for siphoning out talented POC from their native countries. https://twitter.com/SteveMillerOC/status/1316773172289527810?s=19

That "other" is doing much of work. Beyond the clearly circular definitions it produces, how'd they decide when to include that and when to not do so? Why is there "other African American/Black" and "Other Pacific Islander," yet there is no "Other American Indian" or "Other White"?

Did the titles of the columns get messed up possibly? Having a hard time believing this isn’t a mistake from someone not noticing that half of the ‘Asians’ got transported to the ‘White’ column.

I love how they have all these separate ethnic groups for white people yet for every sub-saharan Africa country is only "African"

You thought race was based upon skin tone and other physical features? Ha, think like you are a wokester. If white = power, then the most powerful group in any society are thus white males. Meaning a matriarchal black nation is actually run by white males. Words and ideas mean nada.

Under this UC change wouldn't Spain be considered brown? And if you are a fan of the EEZs in the map. Turkey would be mad about it

Arabs are now mayos to these UC woke liberals-libs? This is actually some borderline white nationalism now, simply outright claiming that a nonwhite group are whites.

Lebanese people, who are living in ASIA, are not considered Asian by these wokies?. Holy fuck.

This is hilarious, and exactly where this stuff leads. "Racial spreadsheets" sounds like it rejected Chapelle bit. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2z3wUD3AZg4

When I saw a music-sharing forum in the 2000s, people on that forum went out of our way to discourage people from getting too hung up about whether a genre descriptor was correct, since it was all subjective and things could fit into many different genres, etc. This racial spreadsheet by UC is the same thing, just more foolish and with the potential to hurt real people's lives

Race is a pretty foolish and vacuous concept. It's best not to concern ourselves with it beyond its immediate effects on one's life.

This post provides good insight into this . As does this post by me


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