
There is a major border crisis as there too many migrants at the border and we need to turn a lot away to fix this mess.

Child migrants are wrongly being forced into child labor, there are separation of families currently that rival the types under Donald Trump

I do feel that illegal immigrants who trespass into the US illegally without a visa (like who cross the border illegally without anyone looking) or who go to the US on a vacation and overstay their passport , as long as they are in the US for a under a year or two, ESPECIALLY if they haven’t assimilated or even integrated  ,after they are caught, they should first be given a chance to register for asylum or as a refugee using ever so slightly less laxer criteria than we have now for asylum seekers and refugees and if they can’t meet those conditions, then they should be deported under our current system, until we implement my ideas in this section and its links.  

If I went into Sweden, Germany, Canada or Australia or England illegally right now and was caught within a year or two I would be deported from those countries too

"We must protect the 11 million undocumented immigrants in our country from deportation and provide them a pathway to citizenship. In 2003, ICE was created as a reaction to 9/11 (which like the forever wars in the Middle East, Patriot Act and TSA is another harsh holdover from that authoritarian, Islamaphobic, reactionary post 9/11 world by Republicans). Since then, it has turned into an organization that regularly violates basic human rights. We don’t need a special enforcement agency charged with targeting undocumented immigrants and should abolish ICE."   Justice Democrats

Ice should be replaced with a Resurrected INS

We need to actively recruit migrants moving into the US to vote with their conscious after we inform them why the left wing parties (like CPUSA, DSA, PSL, World Workers' Party etc) are better than Democrats and Republicans. We do this in exchange for us helping those migrants connect and intergreate themselves with our community better and feel accepted. Migrants (and all Americans for that matter) should assimilate (by choice i.e voluntary association and NAP) into hard working culture with marriages or relationships/bonds that last. 

This is what used to happen in New Mexico for migrants (but it was vote Democrat not third parties then and there). A lot of migrants come from countries that aren't as politically in the know about US politics as the Americans are and don't know that the only good political parties are left of the Democrats

The Uniparty (Democrats and Republicans) have been using migrants to usurp control from us over the decades so we need to counter that with this method.  The uniparty are smart for doing that and we are behind the eight ball on that. See here for more https://cis.org/Report/Immigration-and-Usurpation  

I love Joel Berry PWNING the Groypers by him tweeting that he believes that interracial marriage should be mandatory for the next 100+ years (except for God's chosen people the Jews who would be exempt) so that all whites are a shade of brown. 

That radical idea above by Joel is a shortcut idea to his original idea of the right wing being pro mass migration (since a lot of migrants are hard working Christians/Catholics) in order to save the country . 

Joel says this can be be done by the Republicans preventing the Dems from getting their hooks in the migrants to  prevent the migrants from being an underclass voting bloc to the Democrats and then assimilating the migrants in the process. I like this method better than the second idea that Joel put out there since this is natural assimilation (and not forced interracial marriage) and is a incremental (instead of radical) 

However taking shortcuts (like in politics) has benefits. Moreover Joel's second idea above would lead to a true post racial(st) society without Groyper type freaks running around. 


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