Out world r-e-g views

 Race ethnicity geopolitics religion


If I was born and raised on a specific planet in another solar system, galaxy or universe, on that specific extraterrestrial planet in that other solar system, galaxy or universe, I would say  “(extraterrestrial) intelligent life beings (on that specific other planet in another solar system, galaxy or universe), have a right to personally discriminate--that is make their own decisions, based upon their own rights--is the very essence of liberty.  

(Extraterrestrial) Government (on that specific other planet in another solar system, galaxy or universe) denial of that right is the very essence of tyranny. 

Individual moral views notwithstanding, freedom to discriminate (for those extraterrestrial intelligent life beings on that specific other planet in another solar system, galaxy or universe) is a right and privilege no matter how flawed and evil it is.

The truth is (extraterrestrial) intelligent life beings (on that specific other planet in another solar system, galaxy or universe) tend to want to be around other extraterrestrial intelligent life beings who are like them”

What I wrote above does not apply to Earth or for humans from Earth, only for a specific planet or specific few planets in another solar system, galaxy or universe. Freedom to discriminate is wrong when applied to any persons on Earth

Just because freedom to discriminate is wrong for our planet and persons on our planet and it doesn’t and shouldn’t apply to our planet or to any persons on our planet, that doesn’t mean freedom to discriminate is wrong when applied to specific extraterrestrials on specific other planets in other solar systems, galaxies or universes or that it shouldn’t be applied to specific extraterrestrials on specific other planets in other solar systems, galaxies or universes. 

What is wrong for our planet isn’t automatically wrong for other planets

We should love everyone of all races and ethnicities on Earth as much as God loves us /you love your children/the type of love Ghandi calls for etc equally , but that equal love does not and should not extend to non human adjacent extraterrestrials/human adjacent extraterrestrial intelligent life beings (who are of a race or ethnicity that is not found on Earth) on other planets in other planets in other solar systems, galaxies or universes. 

Everything has a limit, we are humans after all. To think we have shouldn’t be speciest or racist toward at least some hypothetical extraterrestrial races and species of extraterrestrial intelligent life beings on other planets in other solar systems, galaxies or universes is naive, ignorant, and illogical. Anyone who says otherwise is a woke cyborg, not a rational pragmatic human. 

It would be unnatural/unhuman, overkill and creepy to love/not discriminate against more than a select few (if any) non human adjacent extraterrestrials/human adjacent extraterrestrial intelligent life beings (who are of a race or ethnicity that is not found on Earth) on other planets in other planets in other solar systems, galaxies or universes as 

Just because we rightfully recognize that all races and ethnicities on Earth are equal and that we should not discriminate against anyone from Earth, that line of reasoning does not automatically apply for our attitudes and feelings toward at least some extraterrestrial intelligent life beings on other other planets in other solar systems, galaxies or universes

It is ok to admit that all of us humans on Earth of all races and ethnicities are equally better than most or at least nearly most races/ethnicities and species of extraterrestrial intelligent life beings on other planets in other planets in other solar systems, galaxies or universes

Application of principles

I condemn White Nationalism. I believe we should send all White Supremacists and White Nationalists from Earth to exoplanets like Europa, Enceladus, Kepler 1649c, Proxima Centauri b or extraterrestrial planets in other solar systems, galaxies or universes  

I would have no problem if White Supremacists and White Nationalists from Earth colonized those exoplanets like Europa, Enceladus, Kepler 1649c, Proxima Centauri b or extraterrestrial planets in other solar systems, galaxies or universes and created their own white ethnostates on those exoplanets and extraterrestrial planets in other solar systems, galaxies or universes . Out of sight out of mind 

While I believe all races-ethnicities from Earth are equal and I am not racist against any race or ethnicity from Earth, I believe that the human species (made up of all races-ethnicities) is far superior to a lot of hypothetical reactionary non human extra terrestrial intelligent life species found on other planets in other solar systems, galaxies and universes 

I am Institutionally-Systematically Anthropocentric against a lot of hypothetical reactionary non human extra terrestrial intelligent life species found on other planets in other solar systems, galaxies and universes 

I also believe that the human species (made up of all races-ethnicities) should be on a higher socially constructed species hierarchy than more than a few hypothetical reactionary non human extra terrestrial intelligent life species who are found on other planets in other solar systems, galaxies and universes (who I am not one word Anthropecentric against) in ways that benefits the human species. 

I would support humans from Earth marginalizing and/or oppressing those particular hypothetical reactionary non human extra terrestrial intelligent life species found on those other planets in other solar systems, galaxies and universes based on a socially constructed racial hierarchy that privileges humans from Earth if humans can travel to those exo planets.

I am scientifically anthropocentrist toward select reactionary non human intelligent life extraterrestrial species in other solar systems, galaxies and universes who I am not one word Anthropecentric against or Institutionally-Systematically Anthropecentric against. 

I would condone to give lip service support for humans from Earth being Human centric toward some reactionary non human intelligent life extra terrestrial species found on other planets in other solar systems, galaxies and universes that I am not Anthropecentric against, Institutionally-Systematically Anthropecentric against, or scientifically anthropocentrist toward

I am voluntarily indifferent to several other non human intelligent life extraterrestrial species in other solar systems, galaxies and universes that I am not Anthropecentric against, Institutionally-Systematically Anthropecentric against, scientifically anthropocentrist toward or human centric toward

I feel the closest non human extra terrestrial intelligent life species to Earth found on a few planets in other solar systems or galaxies that are closer to Earth than any other planet with non human extra terrestrial intelligent life species,  are 'equal but less equal' than all humans from Earth

I am a Earth area Chauvinistist (meaning I view all Earth culture and all cultures of the nearest few extraterrestrial intelligent life planets in comparison to some non Earth cultures and non near Earth cultures of extra terrestrial intelligent life species /beings on other planets in other solar systems, galaxies and universes the same way that Western Chauvinists on Earth view Western culture in comparison to non Western cultures)

I feel that the Serpent seed hypothesis was and is a myth but if it was true, it would only apply to a handful of specific hypothetical reactionary human adjacent extraterrestrial races-ethnicities of extraterrestrial intelligent life beings on other planets in other solar systems, galaxies and universes. 

If we pretend this is true, with the help of SETI signals,  I would encourage extraterrestrial intelligent life beings on other planets in other solar systems, galaxies and universes who were not of that cursed race or ethnicity to treat those hypothetical reactionary human adjacent extraterrestrial intelligent life beings on on other planets in other solar systems, galaxies and universes who are Serpent seed hypothesis’d the same way that Mormon fundamentalist from Earth have historically treated BIPOC people on Earth

I am between being Left Wing ‘racist’ and Symbolic racist against select hypothetical reactionary extra terrestrial intelligent life races and ethnicities in other solar systems, galaxies and universes who are of a race or ethnicity that is not found on Earth (even if they are human adjacent) that would not be the true Serpent seed hypothesis race or ethnicity if that myth was true

In cases where Left Wing Anarchism would justify it, I am casteist (in a ‘grandma at Thanksgiving dinner’ type of way) toward many hypothetical reactionary intelligent life extraterrestrials in other solar systems, galaxies and universes who are of a race-ethnicity that is not found on Earth (even if those reactionary intelligent life extraterrestrial races are human) that I am not between Left Wing ‘racist’ and Symbolically racist against and would not be the true Serpent seed hypothesis race or ethnicity if that myth was true

Meaning that using the Indian type caste systems (in a ‘grandma at Thanksgiving dinner’ type of way) where Left Wing Anarchism would justify it , I believe that all people from Earth and some non reactionary intelligent life extraterrestrials in other solar systems, galaxies and universes who are of a race-ethnicity that is not found on Earth should be equally on the top of the caste system pyramid (that Left Anarchists would feel is justified),

While (in a ‘grandma at Thanksgiving dinner’ type of way) where Left Wing Anarchism would justify it, I believe that many reactionary intelligent life extraterrestrials in other solar systems, galaxies and universes who are of a different race-ethnicity that is not found on Earth (that I am not between Left Wing ‘racist’ and Symbolically racist against and would not be the true Serpent seed hypothesis race or ethnicity if that myth was true) should be at the bottom of the caste system pyramid 

I further feel (in a ‘grandma at Thanksgiving dinner’ type of way) where Left Wing Anarchism would justify it, that a lot of the other intelligent life extraterrestrials in other solar systems, galaxies and universes who are of a different race-ethnicity that is not found on Earth (that I am not between Left Wing ‘racist’ and Symbolically racist against and would not be the true Serpent seed hypothesis race or ethnicity if that myth was true) should be in the middle of the caste system pyramid while the rest of the the other intelligent life extraterrestrials in other solar systems, galaxies and universes who are of a different race-ethnicity that is not found on Earth

Including ones that I am between Left Wing ‘racist’ and Symbolically racist against and would be the true Serpent seed hypothesis race or ethnicity if that myth was true should be split between the second highest tier of the caste system pyramid and second lowest tier of the caste system pyramid

If there are intelligent life extraterrestrials in other solar systems, galaxies and universes who are of a extraterrestrial race or ethnicity that is similar to Israeli, I view and would interact with a few of those Israeli adjacent extraterrestrial intelligent life races in those solar systems, galaxies and universes exactly like Anti Israel people do with Israel and Jews fused with how the L LaRouche movement has done with Jews 

Apparatus of principles 

I am against forced labor (ie slavery) so I am against the slave traders and pirates trying to slave trade from Africa in the early 19th century.  

However, if there were robots (AI) in the 1810s , 1820s etc that were as smart or smarter than humans (even if they were programmed to have human emotions) , I would have supported slave traders and pirates stealing those robots (AI) and trading those robots (AI) to slave owners (who only use robots as slaves) to be used as slaves.

There are alternate realities where the Union and Canada in the 19th century were worse than they were in our current reality and where African Americans and Native Americans were never slaves in the US, Old South or Confederacy ever. 

In those particular alternate realities, African Americans, Native Americans and women had equal rights to whites and males in the Old South from the get go and in the Confederate States of America from the get go and were always as free from discrimination in those places as they are free today in our reality in the US from discrimination.

In those particular alternate realities, Southerners (via space travel and some backward time travel) imported thousands to a million non human intelligent life extraterrestrials from other planets in galaxies at the edge of the observable universe at the time to be bond workers to whites, African Americans and Native Americans in the Old South and later the CSA on plantations

However, every bond worker in those alternate realities were something that is a mix of penal laborer-chain gang, Action Z-Noblesse Oblige and Encomienda system (like the one used by Christopher Columbus and his crew used in the Caribbean on natives during his 7 year rule)

I begrudgingly lukewarm lean support for a hypothetical region on another planet in another solar system, galaxy or universe with intelligent life on it that is similar to the above alternate history Old South and in a Civil War on that planet in another solar system, galaxy or universe between that extraterrestrial planet's version of the above alternate history Confederate Army and their country's own version of the above alternate reality/alternate history Union I would do this. 

I would begrudgingly pretty much support that planet in another solar system, galaxy or universe’s own version of the above alternate reality/alternate history Confederate Army in that Civil War.

There are fan fictions of LoZ where dark Hylians, aboriginal Hylians and women Hylians had equal rights to white and male Hylians in the Old Eastern Hyrule from the get go and in the Conglomerate regions of Hyrule from the get go and were always as free from discrimination in those places as they are free today in our reality in the US from discrimination. 

In that particular LoZ fan fiction, Hylians imported thousands to a million intelligent life beings from other planets (like from the LOZ Faces of Evil planet) in the Hylian galaxy who were of a race/ethnicity that is not found on Hyrule’s planet to be bond workers to white Hylians, dark Hylians and aboriginal Hylians in the Old Eastern Hyrule and later the Conglomerate regions of Hyrule on plantations.  

However, every bond worker in that fan fiction LoZ were treated in ways that combined how Potiphar treated Joseph in the bible as a bond servant with a more progressive form of Feudalism type Vassalage and with the Industrial wage slavery of the 19th century Northern US 

If there is a hypothetical real life planet with intelligent life beings on it in another solar system, galaxy or universe and there are is a region on that planet that are like the fan fiction Old Eastern Hyrule that I wrote above (and or similar regions on other planets) , here is what I would do.

I would support those regions on that hypothetical real life planet in another solar system, galaxy or universe who are like the above fan fiction Old Eastern Hyrule (and or similar regions on other planets) 

In a war on that hypothetical real life planet in another solar system, galaxy or universe between that hypothetical real life planet’s own version of Old Eastern Hyrule’s Conglomerate regions of Hyrule (and or similar factions on other planets) and that planet’s own version of the TriForces of Western Hyrule (and or similar factions on other planets), I would support that planet’s own version of the Old Eastern Hyrule’s Conglomerate regions of Hyrule (and or similar factions on other planets)

If there was, is or will be a planet with extraterrestrial intelligent life beings on it in another solar system, galaxy or universe with regions/factions on that planet that are like the Old South/CSA was , but where instead of using slavery on their extraterrestrial intelligent life slave adjacent workers , the extraterrestrial intelligent life slave adjacent workers (who were all of a non human intelligent life species) in the extraterrestrial Old South adjacent place on that planet in another solar system, galaxy or universe were coerced into to being a combination of Corvee-Statue Labor and Debt Bondage-Indentured servants and they were treated by their 'bosses' exactly how the Apostle Paul (via his Epistle to Philemon) wanted Philemon to treat Onesimus 

I would somewhat symbolically support those extraterrestrial Old South adjacent region/factions on that other planet in another solar system, galaxy or universe using such methods on their Corvee-Statue Labor fused Debt Bondage-Indentured servants extraterrestrial intelligent life workers where those workers were treated by their 'bosses' exactly how the Apostle Paul (via his Epistle to Philemon) wanted Philemon to treat Onesimus 

If a war broke out on that planet in another solar system, galaxy or universe between that planet’s extraterrestrial CSA adjacent faction and extraterrestrial Union adjacent faction  , I would symbolically support the extraterrestrial CSA adjacent faction on that planet in another solar system, galaxy or universe in that war 

If there was, is or will be a planet with intelligent life beings on it in another solar system, galaxy or universe with regions/factions on that planet that are like the Old South/CSA was , but where instead of using slavery on their extraterrestrial intelligent life slave adjacent workers , the extraterrestrial intelligent life slave adjacent workers (who were all Palingeneticly not as healthy to all humans on Earth and on that planet in another solar system, galaxy or universe) in the extraterrestrial Old South adjacent place on that planet in another solar system, galaxy or universe were: 

Serf workers in the same exact type of serfdom system that China used on Tibetans up until 1959 combined with modern China like forced labor (i.e the types of forced labor that is done in China in the 21st century)

I would regrettably and with a heavy heart be open minded to leniently tolerating those extraterrestrial Old South adjacent region/factions on that other planet in another solar system, galaxy or universe using such methods (and treatment of) on their workers. 

If a war broke out on that other planet in another solar system, galaxy or universe between that other planet’s extraterrestrial CSA adjacent faction and extraterrestrial Union adjacent faction  , I would regrettably and with a heavy heart be open minded to leniently toleratingly supporting that extraterrestrial CSA adjacent faction on that other planet in another solar system, galaxy or universe in that war  

There is a country on another planet in another solar system, galaxy or universe where the majority to vast majority of extraterrestrial intelligent life citizens in that country on that other planet in another solar system, galaxy or universe use a socio-economic system that is a combination of Conservatorship/Truck wages system-Company store system and Statare fused with that other planet's version of post party switch Democratic Party’s less than stellar treatment of African Americans,  on the vast majority of extraterrestrial intelligent life lower class/working class people in those countries on other planets in other solar systems, galaxies or universes to do work for them and to live like they want them to live. 

If I was living in a different country on the above planet in another solar system, galaxy or universe and I was asked on a political poll whether I would authorize sanctions against the above Conservatorship/Truck wages system-Company store system/Statare fused with that other planet's version of post party switch Democratic Party’s less than stellar treatment of African Americans, to free those millions of extraterrestrial intelligent life lower/working class people from their Conservatorship/Truck wages system-Company store system/Statare fused with that other planet's version of post party switch Democratic Party’s less than stellar treatment of African Americans, system, here is what I would do  

I would acknowledge that said Conservatorship/Truck wages system-Company store system/Statare fused with that other planet's version of post party switch Democratic Party’s less than stellar treatment of African Americans, countries were bad but that we shouldn't stereotype the whole continent due to their actions (which are one country amongst a bunch of countries on said continent). 

Then I'd go further, espousing the positive traits of the non bad countries on said continent and show how those countries help contribute to that planet. Then after giving that context to the pollster, I would abstain from voting 

If there was wars between that Conservatorship/Truck wages system-Company store system/Statare fused with that other planet's version of post party switch Democratic Party’s less than stellar treatment of African Americans, country on that planet in another solar system, galaxy or universe against other countries on that planet trying to abolish that country's Conservatorship/Truck wages system-Company store system/Statare fused with that other planet's version of post party switch Democratic Party’s less than stellar treatment of African Americans

I would have the same position on said war that Australia had on the Civil War on our planet in the 1860s. I'd also be open to sympathizing with the pro Conservatorship/Truck wages system-Company store system/Statare fused with that other planet's version of post party switch Democratic Party’s less than stellar treatment of African Americans, faction in that country on another planet in another solar system, galaxy or universe the same way that Jane Fonda and other far left anti Vietnam War activists sympathized with the Northern Vietnamese during the Vietnam War on our planet from left

If there was, is or will be a planet with intelligent life beings on it in another solar system, galaxy or universe with regions/factions on that planet that are like the Old South/CSA was , but with these differences:

These differences being instead of using slavery on the extraterrestrial intelligent life bondage workers , the extraterrestrial intelligent life bondage workers (they were all human adjacent but of a race/ethnicity that is not found on Earth) in the extraterrestrial Old South adjacent place on that planet in another solar system, galaxy or universe were brainwashed to be bond workers in cotton-textile mills as cheap labor (with only the slenderest of rewards) like white workers in the post Civil War old south on our planet in the late 19th century under a system similar to the lost cause revisionist history mythological Old South of our planet’s type of ‘wages paid’ work (i.e early 1800's Charleston newspaper want ad) while being treated like how the mythological fictional Mammy character was treated by her overlords in those lost cause revisionist mythological Old South. 

The other differences is that in that extraterrestrial Old South adjacent place on that planet in another solar system, galaxy or universe , non human adjacent extraterrestrial intelligent life beings who were of a race or ethnicity not found on Earth were barred from working in those cotton-textile mills but had to do labor battalion instead

I would half heartily pragmatically support those extraterrestrial Old South adjacent region/factions on that other planet in another solar system, galaxy or universe using such methods on their extraterrestrial intelligent life bondage workers, and if a war broke out on that planet in another solar system, galaxy or universe between that planet’s extraterrestrial CSA adjacent faction and extraterrestrial Union adjacent faction  , I would support the extraterrestrial CSA adjacent faction on that planet in another solar system, galaxy or universe in that war


I would be right wing Anti Zionist adjacent toward a few extraterrestrial intelligent life religions in other solar systems, galaxies and universes who are of an extraterrestrial religion that is similar to Judaism but that is not of an extraterrestrial race or ethnicity that is similar to Israeli

There is an alternate history anti hero splinter group of an alternate history Ultra Left wing/breakaway political group of an alternate history liberal idealized, non villainous version of a Jesse (Fire Emblem SoV) created, molded and lead spinoff party of the Radiant Fiends (that alternate history Ultra Left wing/breakaway political group is to the alternate history liberal idealized, non villainous version of a Jesse (Fire Emblem SoV) created, molded and lead spinoff party of the Radiant Fiends what Sorelism is to National Syndicalism in our reality

The alternate history Ultra Left wing/breakaway political group above (not the anti hero splinter group which broke off from it)  would purge Capitalists (and denying the Capitalists therapies) in order to give freedom to the nation's people. This would include said Ultra Left wing/breakaway political group creating a national worker's state with progressive western policies . 

The alternate history Ultra Left wing/breakaway political group above (not the anti hero splinter group which broke off from it)  would be culturally PatSoc fused with Liberal Conservative Populist on gender issues and political issues (maybe similar to Juche)

This alternate history anti hero splinter group would be Left wing and basically like a fusion of Anarcho Communism (Anti fascist blocs) and Pink Capitalism .

This anti hero splinter group would be more left wing than the USSR was under Joseph Stalin 

If I was born and raised on those other planets in other solar systems, galaxies and universes, I would do the following.

I would talk about (and have the same exact relationship with) those extraterrestrial factions/affiliates (on those other planets in other solar systems, galaxies and universes) of that alternate history anti hero splinter group the same way that the Father Coughlin of our reality talked about (and had the same exact relationship with) the European fascists in and of our reality

There is , was or will be an extraterrestrial political party/group on another planet in another solar system, galaxy or universe that are similar to a left wing version of an alternate history (AXIS) Fascist Russia in the 1930s to mid 1940s. I am a wehraboo about that extraterrestrial political party/group on that other planet in another solar system, galaxy or universe that are similar to a left wing version of an alternate history Fascist Russia 

I view most of the Khazar adjacent extraterrestrials on other planets in other solar systems, galaxies and universes who were, are or will be members of an alternate history heavily DVNP influenced Restored Kaiserreich adjacent faction on those other planets in other solar systems, galaxies or universes as between being Anti Knight Templars (Anti Knight Templar to Knight Templar is what Anti Villain is to Villain) and Sympathetic Heroes in a Blue and Orange morality type way


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