Suess bear winnie the sus xi 49erswebzonejinping bear and arf like u i hope it doesnt happen to you

 Option 1) Social Credit /Distributist Libertarian (with Seussian Characteristics) into an exaggerated version of a Mladorossim society

We would first need to switch to a Social Credit/Distributist Libertarianism system. 

In political talk across the political landscape there are generally so many would be distributists across to be found . This rhetoric meshes solidly with Anarchism, Libertarianism, and conservatives who idealize the yeoman farmer

With Distributist Libertarianism there would be an economic system based on widely-spread property ownership and a society that is culturally based on Catholic social teachings. 

This Distributist Libertarianism economy would not be operated under the belief that laissez-faire Austrian school economics (but it would use this type of Austrian economics) would result in an unfair concentration of power, but rather that the vast majority of concentration of power in a capitalist economic systems occurs due to state intervention in the economy (for example; Intellectual "Property", Subsidies, Inconsistent Taxation, etc)

In this Distributist Libertarianism economy the state would only have most of its power in most matters over the Federal Government. There would be less taxation which would deplete the power of the Federal Government. In turn the government would be forced to give up certain arms that are no longer needed (like the ATF)

Distributist Libertarianism, entails that State's should have In order to achieve that, in the essay "Unlocking Existentialism in An Economy: Southern Distributism in a Nutshell" an idea was proposed that less taxation would starve the power of the. This would require the.

Moreover, , in this Distributist Libertarianism economy , vertical integration would be banned to allow more competition within the market, and to later (as we get closer to our next economic stage) have guilds within local economies to protect small businesses and workers 

This Distributist Libertarianism economy would contain many dynamic thoughts from a Laissez-Faire  approach, to a more "Bull-Moose yet Hamiltonian" Southern Distributism approach. The Distributist Libertarianism economy would structure our society in a way that maximizes human freedom and ensures a wide distribution of wealth.

This society would have Seussian Characteristics

Social Credit:. Under this economical system there would be a social control of credit, a national dividend, and similar policies that seek to rise consumer's purchasing power and to decentralize economic power. 

SocCred would be anti bank

Under our SoCred system we would come to see the purpose of the economy is to provide goods and services that increase personal well-being, but we would not use every good to serve such a purpose, as goods are the waste. This waste would not be used since it hurts the consumer, because the price of the products are increased due it, hurting his purchasing power.

In this SoCred system, there would be four factors in production. Land, labor, capital, and Cultural Inheritance, with Cultural Inheritance being of the most importance. Cultural Inheritance is the knowledge, process, and techniques that are created and sustained by past civilizations. These ideas would make so that in this system we don't need to reinvent the wheel, thus making production simpler and more valuable

This system would like Longism be based on wealth distribution and increased consumer purchasing power.. There may probably be UBI in this system too.

SocCred would be against right wing populism since right wing populism hijacked SocCred

So in a nutshell under our SocCred system, there would be government intervention in the form of the issuance of debt free money directly given to consumers or producers (if they sold their product below cost to consumers) in order to combat such discrepancy

Then we switch to an exaggerated version of a Mladorossim society (which is a fusion of mythological version of USSR type Socialism/Communism with tweaked Russian Tsarism). 

It would advocate for a Russian Monarchy under a Mythological Soviet-style system.  It would be similar to Anarcho-Monarchism 

There would also be economic liberalization via party democracy similar to what Nikita Kruschev did or tried to do . This would be based off of the already present State Capitalist system (and capitalist class). This would further balance out the extreme left economic system in this society


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