Odinism (based on Final Fantasy character ideology) , is an economically ill-defined , Libunity, Elon Musk type of reactionary Transhumanistic capitalism (similar to reactionary futurism post post modernist Anarcho Primitivism)
It opposes Marxism-Leninism/Leninism/Maoism and Capitalism. It is also anti-statist and culturally soft right wing
Is new spiritualist as it transcends Paschal Beverly Randolph thought/Druidism while also adopting and Christianizing far out ideas from both
It realizes that civilization has had negative impacts for the west, especially Europe and all life within them. They believe that the fourth industrial age will be non sustainable and would lead to a collapse, This would occur for reasons mainly having to do with over-consumption of natural resources, climate change , atomic and nuclear warfare etc
It supports protecting the environment of our societies and homelands
Until then it calls for the West , or at least Europe to return to more of a simple, agrarian socialistic life abstain from contributing to the Neoliberal system and to promote more people in the west having children (ideally only through test tube babies, In vitro fertilisation, artificial wombs, human cloning etc but also normal ways if need be
Post civ collapse, it supposes that merely the best, and smartest of humanity would survive to carry on the future
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