Ezxchfddfi Ruzzia Usekraine

My private personal views on Russia-Ukraine can be found here

I hate Olga Skabeyeva with ever fiber of my being. She is an evil, Putin propagandist, whore, cunt, slut and piece of trash. She is a literal waste of life and a stain and a black mark on world/planet. The world would be a much happier, safer place without her in it. I would love for what happened to Darya Dugin to happen to Olga 'in Minecraft' (but I'll settle for some antifascist dumping a bucket full of defecating water over head).  

If I wasn't a feminist Christian I would say someone should jam their fingers up her butt against her will like Jessica Graf from Big Brother did on their show to unsuspecting cast members (but so hard it leaves abrasions on Olga's behind) after dousing Olga with that above shit piss bucket but I won't say it because I am a feminist Christian  'in Minecraft'

future redditor banned for 'russian prop' for quoting henry kissinger on ukraine russia

Reposting the video #Ukraine's #peaceformula for all the vatniks and tankies who claim not to be aware of it.

This Daily Beast article leans anti Russia but still is relatively more than halfway decent and makes some defensible insights (though I agree with the Gravel Instittue's initial views on this Russia-Ukraine conflict in some weird way) 

This idea right here might have merit as a possible and efficient way to end the Russian-Ukraine war if the US becomes desperate. I believe all ideas should be on the table including that idea 

My private legality wise views on Russia-Ukraine can be found here

To deal with these pro Putin Russian neo nazi scum, (also see here) I feel that Russia should get undercover Russian libs ,leftists or military people to do what this black activist did here to destroy said pro Putin Russian neo nazi groups. If Russia is serious about denazification of Ukraine, why not begin such denazification as mentioned above at home (Russia)

These people and a great deal of the GOP leadership will have blood on their hands. They’re fanning flames, encouraging Putin to attack Ukraine. Putin and his regime perceive opportunities because such fools suggest the U.S. is weak, divided, and distracted.  Alexander Vindman

The U.S. & West have no leverage to get Russia to compromise, so the board argues the negligible leverage the West does have, should be applied to coerce Ukraine. In reality, it's far more likely that Russia & Ukraine will discount us... the issue will be settled on battlefield.  Alexander Vindman

Recommendation: help Ukraine achieve military victories & compel Russia to negotiate, soonest, before this conflict hits more milestones & locks NATO & Russia into war. War remains an extreme possibility, but we continue to march in that direction the longer the war continues. Alexander Vindman

I see the tankies disapproval on US involvement in Ukraine, Ukraine and NATO and while I am sympathetic to the sentiment that the world sees too much war, and the US is an outsized contributor to that situation, the soldiers themselves are not in charge of deciding where they go or what wars they engage in. They're just working stiffs who often have no other way to pay for college. No one's innocent, everyone has done something they don't like, it's just a photo that kinda looks like a painting.

Support for Ukraine is completely moral and reasonable but this whitewashing you pro Ukraine /pro NATO people demand everyone engage in is just asinine

I agree with Ron DeSantis and like him I call for a cease-fire  in the Russian war with Ukraine.

Like Ron DeSantis I believe that the situation in Ukraine could get far bloodier if an agreement to end the violence between both sides is not met.

I echo this quote by Ron DeSantis :“You don’t want to end up in like a [Battle of] Verdun situation, where you just have mass casualties, mass expense and end up with a stalemate,” DeSantis said in an interview with Nikkei Asia. “It’s in everybody’s interest to try to get to a place where we can have a cease-fire.”

The Battle of Verdun was the longest battle of World War I. More than 300,000 were killed as a result of the battle.

I also agree with Ron DeSantis that the US foreign policy needs to prioritize the Indo-Pacific, and that Europeans would have to take on more responsibility for their continent.

I echo this quote by Ron Desantis “If the Indo-Pacific is where most of the threats to us are, and that’s going to be our focus, then the Europeans are going have to do more,” DeSantis said.

“The Europeans really need to do more [on Ukraine]. I mean, this is their continent. The U.S. has provided security for them. And yes, Poland — there’s some that are doing stuff, and that should be appreciated. But Germany, they’re not doing anything.”

Two things can be bad at the same time, just because Russia ought to be stopped, doesn't mean that NATO is good

The unofficial tagline of this sub is "two things can be bad at the same time". Just because Russia must be stopped, doesn't mean that NATO is good. I refuse to simp for NATO 

I've been banging on about this for months! Russia has a far larger nazi problem than Ukraine, but Vladimir Putin loves and uses his nazis for his own ends like the US used nazis during the Cold War against the Soviet Union. See here for more

For Russia, Russia's motive for their invasion of Ukraine points to colonialism (or maybe even neocolonialism) rather than denazification 

I can hear the tankies reading this now: 

"Golly gee, according to Bruce Gilley/tand maybe colonialism isn't so bad after all . I mean after all according to neolibs and neocons Israel is said to be a case of 'good colonialism' after all/s  "


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