Pol rankings politicians


Barack Obama

Back when I was less leftist (in the late 2000s), I supported the Dump Barack Obama pac and I thought it was funny how they compared Obama to fascists (but I loved it even more that they compared GWB to fascists). Even though I was wrong to support that pact back then, as a leftist I retroactively support the message of 'Dump Barack Obama' but for these leftist reasons now:

Former president Barack Obama governed like a right winger

Former president Barack Obama began the horrors of putting migrant kids in cages

Former president Barack Obama bailed out big bank which showed he cared more about the banks than the American people at large

Former president Barack Obama was in allied with crooked Wall Street

I would now retroactively make a Dump B Obama poster now comparing Former president Barack Obama to Former president GWB, Donald Trump , Calvin Coolildge and John McCain

I still retroactively support the Dump Barack Obama' message for these same reasons I did back then

Former president Barack Obama was an imperialist, warmonger, neocon who engaged in senseless wars like Libya and who droned people in other countries including Americans

I was dumb to oppose Obamacare for the right wing reason which was one of the reasons I opposed it back when I was less left wing than I am now. I thought back then that Obamacare was bad because the cost-effectiveness criteria of it would have made Obamacare turn into modern day Canada in terms of assisted suicide of non terminal patients as mentioned here

But I still oppose Obamacare in general but only for the other reason I opposed it back then: Obamacare was too statist and bad for me 

Obamacare was just mandating citizens getting private health insurance and that is wrong 

Joe Biden

Joe Biden is senile (in the same way that Carolyn Maloney called Jerry Nadler senile). Though you could look at Biden's politics and say he was a "moderate" back in the early 1970s when he still had all of his marbles and was articulating his true beliefs, of course those days are long gone. 

Joe Biden is essentially a vessel for the radical progressives.  He says whatever they tell him to say and he signs whatever they put in front of him.


Lyndon Larouche

I would be neutral lean ok with exonerating Lyndon Larouche but I would never sign a petition to demand such an action either. My reasons for be leaning ok for the exoneration match the reasons that Ramsey Clark, Mike Gravel, Caleb Mauphin,  supporting exonerating Larouche 

Int etc

I have ZERO issues with Jeremy Corbyn appearing at this conference


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